3 Reasons Your Growing Shop Needs Concrete Flooring

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When it comes to opening up your own shop, it's often best to save as much money on furnishing as possible so you can start profiting quickly. However, as your shop starts to grow and more customers begin visiting you, the old interior you made do with needs to grow too--and that includes flooring. Here are 3 reasons why concrete floors will be an essential addition to your flourishing store.

They Withstand Higher Footfall

A shop with more customers gets more feet on its flooring, and not all flooring types are equally resistant to the wear and tear that comes with this. Solid wood and ceramic tile, for example, can wear down quickly when lots of customers traverse it all day. These less resistant flooring types are also less durable, so they can be damaged more easily by a heavy stride or any falling object.

Concrete, on the other hand, is highly durable. It can withstand high footfall for much longer before it needs repairing or replacing, and is difficult to damage in most normal retail environments. A floor that can take more customers' feet will save you money on maintenance costs in the long run. It'll also keep your customers and staff safe by reducing the risk of slips and falls associated with damaged flooring.

They Don't Get Dirty Easily

When your staff are working, you want them to be spending more time selling to customers and less time cleaning. This is especially true when your shop grows and you have more customers to sell to. However, most potential customers will be put off shopping in a store that looks unclean, and high levels of dirt could even lead to your establishment being shut down. Thankfully, you can have a both clean floor and a sales-focused team if you opt for concrete flooring.

Unlike permeable options like carpet and untreated wood, concrete surfaces naturally repel allergens, microscopic particles, and other common indoor dirt, so it doesn't need to be thoroughly cleaned as often. Concrete flooring can be quickly and easily mopped and dried or simply dusted as needed to keep it clean, so your staff can focus on helping you turn increased customer levels into increased profits.

They're More Attractive

If your existing flooring is worn, doesn't go with your decor or is simply unattractive, getting a new concrete floor installed is a great alternative that will wow your growing pool of customers and keep them coming back (and promoting you to others!). Concrete contractors can talk you through numerous options for stunning concrete floors that match your interior. Concrete can be dyed, coated, stamped, textured, stained, stencilled and more. If desired, these floors can even be made to replicate other types of flooring, including wood, tile and paving. With a multitude of options available, you're sure to find one that suits your style and budget.
