Three Points To Consider Before Installation Of An Asphalt Driveway

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Summer is almost over, which means you are running out of time to get changes done around the home before winter hits. As a homeowner who wants to install a new driveway before the cold, slick days of winter arrive, you may have already decided that you want an asphalt driveway. However, before this takes place, there is preparation work to be done. Since you have no previous involvement in driveway installation, these are three points you need to think about before the driveway installation can commence.

Does Your Drive Slope Need Redesigning?

If you have previously had an issue with excess water pooling on your driveway, then now is the time to consider redesigning the driveway slope. A small 5% increase in the sloping path of the driveway allows for water to drain away quickly. This is important on cold days because water sitting on the asphalt can freeze overnight in cold states like Victoria and Tasmania. The icy surface is then a hazard to people walking on it and could also cause your car tires to slide. If you do require an increased slope, then your contractor needs to dig out the ground beneath your old driveway after it has been removed.

Does Your Driveway Base Need A Change?

Just like a house needs strong foundations, a driveway needs a solid base in place before laying of the asphalt begins. After removing the old driveway, the contractor then examines the base under it. If it is a clay base, then you need a granular coarse rock mixture around 20 cm deep before the driveway can be laid. If the base material is sandy because you live in a coastal area, then the rock mixture only needs to be 10 cm deep. You need to factor in the cost of this base when calculating the cost of the driveway. If the driveway quote does not include the cost of a new base, then query this further with the contractor.

Do You Need New Drainage Pipes?

Finally, consider the current overall state of water drainage at your property. The rock base material beneath the new asphalt driveway will drain any water settling here, but if you have other water pooling issues at the front of your home, then consider placing new drainage pipes alongside the new driveway before the asphalt is poured. This is the perfect time to put new plumbing pipes in place to move excess rainwater away into stormwater drains.

If you have any other questions about your new asphalt driveway, do not hesitate to ask your contractor before the work commences.
